
male self, but this is about all the contact I have with the male world. My wife and I both wear the same clothes since she was also rather tall and our shoes are both 9- AAA. Her hips are somewhat more feminine than mine but with padding we both wear the same size girdle although our bras are different. She is a 36 but I am a 40 no matter what I do. There is only one other person or rather two others, who know my true identity, Georgia manager of our corset department, is the husband of one of our store managers. While they are husband and wife, Georgia looks more like the proper matron than a husband. Thanks to electrolysis, Georgia does have to worry about her beard and her well corseted figure is a nice adverti- sement for what a corset can do.

Surprising we hear very little from the former prisoners in our prison camp. I was informed that some 40 other men escaped dressed as women, but after re- turning to civilian life have more or less dropped out of sight. I suspect that there are a great many more of us around than meets the eye but so far none of us has been willing to reveal himself, or rather herself.



COLONEL: Have you asked Sargent Donnelly about all that stuff on the line?

CAPTAIN: Yes Sir! He says it's a special kind of TV aerial.